Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Several treatment measures may help you stop biting your nails. Some focus on behavior changes and some focus on physical barriers to nail-biting.
* Keep your nails trimmed and filed. Taking care of your nails can help reduce your nail-biting habit and encourage you to keep your nails attractive.
* Have a manicure regularly or use nail polish. Men can use a clear polish. Wearing artificial nails may stop you from biting your nails and protect them as they grow out.
* Try stress-management techniques if you bite your nails because you are anxious or stressed.
* Paint a bitter-tasting polish, such as “NO MORE BITE” (available in our studio), on your nails. The awful taste will remind you to stop every time you start to bite your nails.
* Try substituting another activity, such as drawing or writing or squeezing a stress ball or silly putty, when you find yourself biting your nails. If you keep a record of nail-biting, you will become more aware of the times when you bite your nails and be able to stop the habit.
* Wear gloves, adhesive bandages, or colored stickers whenever possible to remind you not to bite your nails.
* Snap a rubber band on the inside of your wrist when you start to bite your nails so you have a negative physical response to nail-biting."

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